El Newell
Theatre Creator
Making weird art, and lots of it.Writing, directing, and designing on on lək̓ʷəŋən traditional territory. Playwright in residence at Timetheft Theatre Company.
Horse Girl by El Newell
SATCo, 2022
Written by El Newell
Directed by Kye McInnis
Choreography and Asst. Direction by Ashley Chodat
Stage Managed by Devon Vecchio
Set Design by Parker Feenstra
Associate Set Design by Brianna de Jong
Costume Design by Olivia Reid-Friesen
Lighting Design by Brock Keeler
Sound Design by Ryan Kniel and Theo Falkiner
Photos by Leon Fei
Of Theseus by El Newell
timetheft theatre
June 2023 Victoria One Act Play Festival
Directed and Set Design by Thomas Moore
Stage Managed by Conner Glesson
Costume Design by Aiden Finn
Sound Design by Theodore Falkiner
Lighting Design by Nadia Myroon
Photo by Thomas Moore
Horse Girl by El Newell
timetheft theatre
August 4-6th 2023, SKAM Satellite Studio
Directed by El Newell
Assisted by Aiden Finn
Stage Managed by Connor Glesson
Assisted by Haida Davies-McDermott
Lighting Design by Nadia Myroon
Set design by Stevie Welsh
Co-costume design by Aiden Finn and Ella Macdonald
Sound design by Theo Falkiner
Photos by Haida Davies-Mcdermott
Our Lady, Star of the Sea by El Newell
Impulse Theatre's Peek Show 13, November 2022
Directed and Designed by El Newell
Performed by Molly Jamin
Carving Knife by El Newell
Impulse Theatre's Peek Show 15, November 2023
Performed by El Newell
Whale Fall created by El Newell
SKAMpede Festival, July 2024
Danced and devised by Aiden Finn, Thomas Moore, Mariah Madill, Sierra Alexander.
Music by Artemis Flores.
Our Lady, Star of the Sea by El Newell
Directed by El Newell
Stage Managed by Morgan Christopher
Production Design by Stevie WeLsh
Music by Artemis Flores
Performed by Grace Fouracre
i am in my body and you are in yours
An scenographic installation. An antomical pillow fort.
Student Alternative Theatre Company
January 22-26th 2023
Phoenix Theatre
Facilitated by El Newell
Assisted by Aiden Finn
Textile Artists: Zoe Bechtold, Ella Macdonald, Stevie Welsh, Emma Brown, and Holly Layman
Lighting Design by Nadia Myroon
Sound Design by Theodore Falkiner
Photos by Theodore Falkiner and
The Russian Play by Hannah Moscovitch
Adapted for the marionette theatre by El Newell
Puppetry design, consturction, and direction by El Newell
Performed by Grace Fouracre and Thomas Schulze
Musical Accompaniment by Nadia Myroon
Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award Scholar 2023/24
The Well-Made Porn: The Dramaturgies of Erotic Webcamming
Erotic webcamming, or camming, is a form of sex work in which a virtual audience pays for a live-streaming performer to perform sexual acts. Within this form is consistent, original, theatricality- leading to a realisation of the connection between the two forms. In critically examining camming, I analysed livestreams themselves for these theatrical methods- scenographic design, acting techniques, and audience interaction. I tackle the reality of the way existing studies- as well as pieces of related performance- divorce sex work from art- asking throughout- where do erotic webcamming and online theatre inform each other, and how? I determine the placing of erotic webcamming as separate from the sphere of theatrical and performance practice as an antagonistic agent in the journey to realize online sex work as a artistic industry, and discuss the constituents that mark it as such. The dramaturgies discussed herein all pivot directly to the classification expanded upon in my research, of the inclusion of camming to our collective consciousness as an active art form. Through its embedded dramaturgical structure of audience interaction, and the unique scenography of solo performance, the theatrical practices that inform erotic webcamming have established it as a form of live, virtual, performance art.
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